Monday, June 28, 2010

Laughing is better than :-)

Now-a-days it has become often to see stories of fathers finding lost children , divorced mom finding her son after 13 years!!!! in the newspaper.It would seem nothing special to you before you read next line.All these finding one another was done through facebook!!!

so for all those who like to hail the new generation web technology ,this has become an add on.

Social networking is some thing where you can share your thoughts ,views etc to those who are not near to you, at least not nearer than 30cm!!What i mean by last sentence is social networking is only should be to stay connected ti=o distant beloveds.....

There is no point in chatting with friends who can be met face to face with few steps......
As buddies who are connected to you by these social networking sites can see only what you show to them.
The feelings deep into your heart are not read by them.This may lead to a generation where feelings are not a point of concern.

Its always better to laugh loudly with friends instead of typing set of brackets and colons to show you are laughing .

So guys stop typing......

live your real life but at the time don't disappoint your pals online i say again distant pals.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is really interesting.....
    good job buddy.......!!!!


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