Saturday, November 29, 2014

Missing Time travellers

Its 2014 already , neither did any guy from hollywood 70's movie came today from a big muscle car with geeky stuff which apparently made the car travel TIME . Nor did any cyborg or a fancy man from future with fancy suit and a J.A.R.V.I.S type AI taking commands from him come.
What i am wondering is ! Did we ever travel in time? or Will we ever travel in time , be it future or past
If time travel was possible why dont we have people from future or past visiting us right now? i would not mind an artificial intelligence from future explaining me how 11 dimensions actually exist while i sip this cup of coffee right now . But here, i am alone .
There are two possibilities if time travel
1. travel back in past
2. travel to future
Famous physicist Stephen Hawkings has some problems with traveling in past and thinks its near impossibility to travel to past. He says that would have energy from present loop between past and back to present thus causing a feedback loop and energy keeps on adding every loop it takes in past-present and thus making the portal or something similar through which we travel time unstable and ultimately destroy itself. So traveling in past would be as disastrous as bungee jumping without a rope!!
On the other hand traveling to future seems pretty simple , All we have to do is move faster! No no japan's 514 kmph bullet train wont suffice. We need something that rotates earth 7 times a second!!! Near light speed! If you rotate earth for a week's time at this speed now , you will step out in future 2214 A.D.
Developing something that reaches that speed itself is a bigger challenge .
We could harvest such a energy source to power us to higher speeds to achieve these in future. There is another way which is too fancy to believe to travel time - Gravity . If you want to make your clock tick slow than mine just increase the gravity around you and ta-da your minute might be a year for me. Its a known fact for quite sometime that Black holes tend to nurture such tremendous amount of gravity , so strong not even light escapes it . So orbiting a black hole would slow you down to a greater extent that would actually cause you to travel to future. This evidently is whats called a twins paradox
Thus blazing speed or a extremely large gravity would do it for us.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Field of vision!!

Once i saw a kid looking at something ! it seemed frm her face that whatever she was looking at was quite interesting. I did not dare to disturb her, instead i waited for her to look away. She did after a while with a look of disgust and astonishment at the same time she asked me "Why did that ant move to that frog?"

I was confused, n looked down i saw a  frog . And by seeing dat i could make out it was eating something!  so the disgust on that girls face was understood.
she demanded " tell me!! when the ant knows frog will eat him up why does he go near ! poor guy ant " she made a sad face and ran away before i could answer .
Though the question seemed too lame to answer to a guy of my age,  the child in me kept thinking! 

We see this world with our pair of eyes!  The range of what we see is around 160 degrees i.e we see only that much which our eyes can percieve or understand or sense! That range of vision is called Field of view( for geometry n etc of this search wikipedia) .

Now imagine there is a 6 foot long pole infront of you which is obviously visible as a whole to you! Now imagine a magician does some abracadabra and starts to shrink you!

imagine you are gradually getting tiny. The pole is getting bigger n bigger to your eyes! Then you become small and the width of the pole no more fits your field of vision, you still get smaller ,now all you see is just the surface of the pole .. all of ur range of vision is filled with it nothing else, because you are so small relative to the pole that all your eyes can see is blocked by the pole! 

Now consider the tiny ant and relatively big frog! so when ant walks to a frog the frog may be so big that it covers all of its FOV ! The ant will see it as may be a big green wall which is not moving,  so it doesn bother n walks towards it! Thats how a kid inside me asked the question and i kept on answering it. 

Some simple things that happen daily are food for thoughts! Some may find this lame! but no,  nothing is lame as long as you are keeping your mind busy in thinking :) Its fun try it ;)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Perception of "PERFECTION" as god

"Isnt it amazing? " she said. " how nature is made!  its so perfect" ! she continued " GOD has made it so perfect"

I chuckled in obvious disagreement. The word GOD has always amused me. Provokes a thought on how it first came into existence , the word GOD.

" Dont you see it?  how perfect it is! the way things are. new life grows out of nothing! lives , takes energy from nature and perishes and this goes on! there is perfect harmony between everything.  who can imagine a big tree growning out of a tiny seed? leave trees take us for example"
i continued to patiently listen
" we r so perfectly made! we grow literally out of nothing. when we see we are just flesh and bones but there is something keeping us alive!  GOD made us like this
We are perfectly made to live in this world! even if there was a thing not like it is now we could not hav survived for example if we did not have some small bones in ears we could never stand on just two legs!  even science shows existence of god! " she took a neccesary deep breath as she finished her talk.
I was lost in the convo so much that i started to believe she was right!! And then i came to my senses my thoughts flew back.

i said " yes we are perfect! yes we are very much adapted to this environment thats why we live!  but where does god come here? "

she looked puzzled  , looking for more explaination from the athiest me . I continued " We are this perfect because we changed,  we learnt we adapted.  Thats what darwin taught us!  we hav a perfect nose because the ones with an imperfect nose perished! nose being a small example.  consider giraffes ! one when sees a giraffe in a forest with long trees would say -GOD has made giraffe's neck so tall so it wont die of hunger in these forests with tall trees all praise the lord blah blah amen- But what actually happened is there were giraffes with shorter neck! when vegetation at lower levels was not much available giraffes started to adapt by having longer necks! so the ones with longer necks survived and the others perished!  that is the PERFECT ones survived!  "

I could see some kind of approval in her face but i still went on

" so what we see in todays world are the fittest survivors or the PERFECT ones, that is why we see it like a perfect world created by some miraculous mighty force. But the truth is nature itself is the architect.  it does all sorts of trial and error techniques to bring out perfect ones,  so this amazingly awesome perfection of nature is what i think was referred to as GOD "

The convo ended with a hint of smile face and a convinced lady at the other end.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Resurrection

TADAAA! i am back! after getting belted by my girl-friend( hyphen for those who would be surprised :D)  for not giving time for fun things like blogging i got to know., no matter how busy you are you gotta make some time for what keeps you going.

So i am back !

more posts soon :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Make Yourself a Metronome

For those who would say “Metronome??? What!!!” here you go

metronome is any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats, clicks) — settable in beats per minute.
It usually is used to practice rhythm by musicians usually guitarists. Read more..

All you need is:
555 timer                                                              
1K ohm resistors
220K Potentiometer
Breadboard (or a circuit board and soldering tools)
8 ohm Speaker
Connect it as shown below

The metronome here uses a 555 timer in its Astable mode to generate a square wave with 50% or more duty cycle which drives the speaker . Speaker in turn produces Beats from it. The pot used enables to vary duty cycle and hence the BPM of metronome. Vcc typically should be between 9V to 15 V.

It looks somewhat like this
Its kinda bushy once it gets on a circuit board and into a case it looks like a metronome..!!!

There is always a golden rule while doing these things
"Check n connect"
i.e before connecting the source check for any shorts or disconnections with a multimeter.
When you ignore this is what happens..!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Evolved By "CHOICE"

After a long time I'm back with an interesting post...
If you wanna read it full .....

A gigantic bang , " THE BIG BANG " made even the space to spread , gave out the main building block "Hydrogen", lightest element .
Then the greatest architect , designer etc etc "The Nature" made this shrink and the reason was what we call gravity. This created all the stars , nebulae , galaxies and so on .

There are millions of galaxies , billions of stars and possibly trillions of solar systems around those stars.
But as a random choice our Earth was chosen to be given special priority , a lucky fortune "LIFE"

Life started as some molecule combining ,which had a weird habit of replicating themselves.
These weird molecules have been designed and redesigned by Nature ( Which often many believe to be done by god , i say it this way , as i know earlier man named nature as god then he went on creating many others and as we know now there are many gods many religions . Sorry for getting carried away, back to subject ) 

This evolution gave out the fittest, strongest and intelligent creature "MAN"

Actually the main subject starts now....
One morning when i got up and went to  brush , i thought was it necessary to brush ( seems ugly thought isn't it???) i mean the nature being a great designer might have some solution to this.
I mean to say if we were not like what we are now , socialized and intelligent ,nature would have got some other solution to it.
As we know gorillas don't brush yet they are out of any plaque and infection because their diet has fibers that do the job.
If we follow gorillas we are sure not have any in 32 of our teeth .
Does that mean we are weaker than gorillas just because we are more intelligent than them!!!!!
This brush, teeth just being an example , humans are way weaker to animals , if all he has discovered is taken away from him.

Image from
This shows that humans are evolved by choice , that is he invented a brush to keep his teeth clean and now it has become must to have our teeth healthy. We are this way because we wanted to be this way!!!

All the evolutions so far were due to change in environment or species trying to adjust to it.

But one thing is for sure Nature will be suppressed in future evolutions and Its us , us and US 
No more nature no more god just US....

Thank you....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

3D drawing tool for BEGINNERS

This  a post for those insane about 3D creations but yet at scratch. Whenever it comes to drawing the third dimension the computer tools available are pretty tedious n require high degree of insight  . But here is a powerful, small, easy, adorable etc etc tool for the amateur…..

It’s SCULPTRIS. It’s very small, about 3.5 MB. It can be downloaded at

I’ve been using it since 3days … Though at beginning it requires lot of exploration but once you are done its just pure entertainment…

Though there is a sculptris forum where you can post your problems or know something new … I personally tell you it doesn’t help much Below is a screen shot of what i say is a Human face!!!!
The easy Interface makes it even more enjoyable ….At the start up you get a Sphere Which you have to mould using several options seen below
While molding your model you feel that this application gives you a real clay or we can say a VIRTUAL CLAY!!!
You have several options to paint, change back ground image  etc etc
Here is one with changed back ground 

At the start up you even can choose a plane instead of sphere n create something like this

For key board Shortcuts and detailed options go to documentation.txt in the .zip file (it too doesn’t help much !!! J)

I’m still playing around with this amazing tool ….. will post more……..
 till then ask more to these ALIENS!!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

For my golf balls :)

A superb email i got a week back... though i knew its not the place to share yet i couldnt stop jus read on

When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle,
When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class
and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly,
He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar
And proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students, if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured
them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively
filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

‘Now,’ said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things – family,
children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions –
Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, Your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car.

The sand is everything else –The small stuff.

‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ He continued,
there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
keep this in mind

Bhargav :)

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
You will never have room for the things that are important to you.


Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play With your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your partner out to dinner.

There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.

‘Take care of the golf balls first –
The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.’

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled.
‘I’m glad you asked’.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Laughing is better than :-)

Now-a-days it has become often to see stories of fathers finding lost children , divorced mom finding her son after 13 years!!!! in the newspaper.It would seem nothing special to you before you read next line.All these finding one another was done through facebook!!!

so for all those who like to hail the new generation web technology ,this has become an add on.

Social networking is some thing where you can share your thoughts ,views etc to those who are not near to you, at least not nearer than 30cm!!What i mean by last sentence is social networking is only should be to stay connected ti=o distant beloveds.....

There is no point in chatting with friends who can be met face to face with few steps......
As buddies who are connected to you by these social networking sites can see only what you show to them.
The feelings deep into your heart are not read by them.This may lead to a generation where feelings are not a point of concern.

Its always better to laugh loudly with friends instead of typing set of brackets and colons to show you are laughing .

So guys stop typing......

live your real life but at the time don't disappoint your pals online i say again distant pals.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Make your pen drive a bootable one!!!

Have you ever come across problem like, missing files in your Operating system cd which you come to know half way while booting your pc!!! This may be due to many reasons, problem in cd drive, scratches on cd etc etc....

But the solution is here,

You can boot from a pen drive, which makes the process much faster n safe as there will no missing files.

Let’s first see how to make a pen drive bootable...

Firstly download the .zip file below 

This is a software that makes the bootable pen drive. 

  • Win 98/Me/2000/XP
  • BIOS with USB boot support
  • Back up files in pen drive
  • format it with FAT (It doesn't work with NTFS or FAT 32)
Now let’s start...

Save the file (Download from the link above)

Now unzip it n double click on the exe file

Select the device you wish to make bootable.  This program only supports Pen Drive 2.0
device.  Click on the “Make Bootable” button to begin the process.  The program will load
A message window confirms the make-bootable process.  Click on the “OK” button to

If the program does not support the file system format in your device, an error message will
pop up.  Click on the “OK” button to continue.

If the disk drive you selected already contained boot-up system files, an error message will
appear.  You must delete those files (COMMAND.COM, DRVSPACE.BIN, IO.SYS, and
MSDOS.SYS) before you can make the disk drive bootable.  Click on the “OK” button to

If the USB device you select is not using Phison’s chip solution, this program will not be able
to make it a boot up disk.  An error message window will pop up.  Click on the “OK” button
to continue.

Copy the operating system files onto the pen drive 


You need to change the boot-up setting in the system BIOS.  With your device inserted,
restart the machine.  Enter the BIOS setup menu and change the boot device setting. 
If the boot-up files are created in the USB drive, select USB-HDD or USB-ZIP (preferred). 
If the boot-up files are created in the floppy drive of your device, select USB-FDD (for Pen
Drive that supports security mode). 
Save and exit the BIOS setup.  You should be able to boot up with you USB device.

Now your OS portable pen drive is ready for use...
If your pen drive is having large space dont waste whole of it in this . Just make a partition of the size required for OS files

I've followed this method for formatting my PC with Win XP OS. I 've found no problems in doing so . But yet, as all these depend on device compatibility and resources i declare, to do this at your own risk. Any problems mail me At 
i want to thank my friend for enlightening me with this extremely useful method.



Sunday, June 20, 2010


An incident that happened in a boring engineering mechanics class in my last semester, shown me that science and imaginations have no boundaries....

Professor in that class was dealing with a chapter called friction.He was a bit addictive to usage of  Figurative English.He said" you cant imagine the existence of world without friction". 

This openly challenged my ,then , sleepy mind,asking me "why cant i???"

Then it slid into imaginations,... assuming there was no friction , i could see a girls' face fall down on the desk which was resting on her hand, sir suddenly falling with his back on ground(wow).. all these because --" NO FRICTION"

After classes were over i got into the college bus to return to home, my mind still was in the same imaginative arena.

Without friction the Wheels were running i mean rotating but the bus was not able to move a inch.
i saw a motor cycle moving, and huh this motor cycle could not stop as there was no friction ,as it cannot apply any force to stop on the area of contact....

after several flashes like these , i came out with a interesting relation between inertia and friction...!!!!

According to Newtons inertia law(1 st law) "Any body in rest or motion will continue in that state till encountered by an --external force--"

The --external force-- in our day to day life is friction,
Friction is applied by the objects due to nature of surfaces under relative motion, this application is so common that we even don't feel friction exists!!!

Consider that there is a switch for ON-OFF of existence of friction on earth...
Imagine buses moving,people walking,sitting etc ,some preparing to start a walk.....

Now i fly all the way to the switch . i put it off!!

Now even the bus i mentioned earlier , wants to stop ,it simply CANT...
...the person who was walking before switching off friction cant  stop!!
The man willing to walk ,cant start moving.(reader should posses a bit of imagination !!).. all these because there is no opposing force ie without friction no body can change its state ...
Which is directly related to newtons 1st law... ie inertia

This is how a simple or silly imagination led to a simple but yet interesting and commonly unexplored relations between two different entities ....

So always try to do what mind says .. it will always lead to interesting relations .. known or unknown... 

so let your mind free.. let it fly


Missing Time travellers

Its 2014 already , neither did any guy from hollywood 70's movie came today from a big muscle car with geeky stuff which apparently ma...