Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I `d recently participated in a paper presentation competition ... where i`d presented this as my paper ....
In current trends of data storage system (ie hard disks , CD , DVD) magnetic disks are dominant .
but from a survey last year 13 billion of such disks were sold so there is an ever increasing demand for new technique in data storage systems. to cater this demand HDSS is introduced which gives high data density and transfer rates

1.This technique can store 1 tera bytes of data in just a sugar cube sized crystal!!!!
2.it can give Transfer rates up to whooping!!....1 billion bits /second !!!!
3. Data stored once is not damaged till 50years(at least)

Main steps in any data storage technique are recording n reading.


Image above shows(courtesy : HSW) Simultaneous reading n recording ,it happens when this method is applied practically in our PC`s
But basically recording accounts optical change in the desired medium when data carrying, laser beam strikes it at given glancing angle.
That is,
  1. Firstly laser beam is split into 2 by beam splitters
  2. Then the data to be stored is converted to Gray scale(its dark n light boxes as when TV shows when there is no signal) by LCD
  3. Then one of the beam(signal beam) strikes this LCD Thus carrying the data into it.
  4. Then the other (reference beam) passes through several mirrors n lenses and interferes with signal beam to produce unique interference patterns( unique for that data obviously!!!)
  5. These patterns are stored in some small VOLUME of the crystal.
Reading of data just requires the reference beam to strike or illuminate the crystal at the same glancing angle as in recording.
The path of reference beam ll be
This illumination causes the crystal to produce the image of stored data on some screen or a CCD camera Which captures this image n processes this to required format

Data in any format-> converted to grey scale by LCD ->This image into interference patterns -> stored in crystal

Illumination->recording of gray scale image from crystal-> conversion to required format.

If any one wants the IEEE format of this paper or whole presentation mail me(bugs.rockr@gmail.com) ll reply ...
Thank U

_-FiReD Up 2 HeLp U-_

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