Theory of relativity is a hard nut to crack,until we show interest in it. So this is a post for those who really want to understand and crack this hard nut.
After a week`s toil in understanding this theory i`ve got a good amount of success.
Common relativity is that,when you see a car moving in your direction of motion,it seems to go slow.
But when the speeds are comparable to C ie. speed of light its all different.
So how does light work?? here it is...
Consider that you are moving towards a lamp post with speed comparable to C,according to common concept of relativity you would think that the speed of light would be (C minus your speed),BUT thats not the case ,The speed of light you would measure, is the same ie. C!!!!
This is the basis of Albert einstien`s Theory which says "SPEED OF LIGHT IN VACCUM IS CONSTANt REGARDLESS OF SPEED OF SOURCE OR THE OBSERVER"
This shows that light is independent of relative speed of observer , that is something needs to give up or change ,to account this in-dependency of light.
and that changing parameter is TIME!!!
leaving this theory for time being lets consider a funny example
Assume you are moving away from earth to a star thats 10 light years away from our planet in a space ship with light's speed.
Then in your frame of reference you travel any distance in no time coz your speed (ie light's speed) is Infinity.
Now you go to that star take a round then return , you take only few minutes to do it as your speed is infinity.
But what bout the time at earth its the same. ie you have taken 20 years to return as star is 10 light years away.
Means when you return earth is 20 years older as you left!!
this is time travel !!
Hence we can say that time has slowed down for you!!!
When 2 twins come across this type of situations , the one who has travelled the star ll be 20 years younger than the other one who is on earth .....!!!!
this funny stuff is TWINS PARADOX
Seems confusing nah?
To explain this i`ve taken a clock as follows

Let there be two reflectors 1&2 as shown . And there is a reflecting laser beam between them. Let there be some device which makes a "TICK" sound when laser hits mirror1.
When this clock is stationery You ll hear That sound with some definite interval of time.
But When its moving with speed of light its traces a zigzag path as shown in fig

These are the positions of the clock at some time instances. light travels in a zigzag path here ,hence when we are stationary we hear the "TICK" at a larger time intervals, larger time intervals than earlier ie in 1st figure .
Hence in our time reference time has slow down for that clock when we are stationery.
I Strongly suggest you see the videos in the URL lists by the side.
Still cant ???understand send me your queries
Actually there are two types of this theory proposed by the genius
Albert einstien
I`ve not dealt on classifying them here.Its just an overview!!!
IF YOU WANT DEEPER KNOWLEDGE READ THIS PDF-BOOK WRITTEN BY GENIUS HIMSELF. AT http://infobugs.yolasite.com/resources/Einstein-Relativity.pdf