Once i saw a kid looking at something ! it seemed frm her face that whatever she was looking at was quite interesting. I did not dare to disturb her, instead i waited for her to look away. She did after a while with a look of disgust and astonishment at the same time she asked me "Why did that ant move to that frog?"
I was confused, n looked down i saw a frog . And by seeing dat i could make out it was eating something! so the disgust on that girls face was understood.
she demanded " tell me!! when the ant knows frog will eat him up why does he go near ! poor guy ant " she made a sad face and ran away before i could answer .
Though the question seemed too lame to answer to a guy of my age, the child in me kept thinking!
We see this world with our pair of eyes! The range of what we see is around 160 degrees i.e we see only that much which our eyes can percieve or understand or sense! That range of vision is called Field of view( for geometry n etc of this search wikipedia) .
Now imagine there is a 6 foot long pole infront of you which is obviously visible as a whole to you! Now imagine a magician does some abracadabra and starts to shrink you!
imagine you are gradually getting tiny. The pole is getting bigger n bigger to your eyes! Then you become small and the width of the pole no more fits your field of vision, you still get smaller ,now all you see is just the surface of the pole .. all of ur range of vision is filled with it nothing else, because you are so small relative to the pole that all your eyes can see is blocked by the pole!
Now consider the tiny ant and relatively big frog! so when ant walks to a frog the frog may be so big that it covers all of its FOV ! The ant will see it as may be a big green wall which is not moving, so it doesn bother n walks towards it! Thats how a kid inside me asked the question and i kept on answering it.
Some simple things that happen daily are food for thoughts! Some may find this lame! but no, nothing is lame as long as you are keeping your mind busy in thinking :) Its fun try it ;)