Friday, June 17, 2011

Make Yourself a Metronome

For those who would say “Metronome??? What!!!” here you go

metronome is any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats, clicks) — settable in beats per minute.
It usually is used to practice rhythm by musicians usually guitarists. Read more..

All you need is:
555 timer                                                              
1K ohm resistors
220K Potentiometer
Breadboard (or a circuit board and soldering tools)
8 ohm Speaker
Connect it as shown below

The metronome here uses a 555 timer in its Astable mode to generate a square wave with 50% or more duty cycle which drives the speaker . Speaker in turn produces Beats from it. The pot used enables to vary duty cycle and hence the BPM of metronome. Vcc typically should be between 9V to 15 V.

It looks somewhat like this
Its kinda bushy once it gets on a circuit board and into a case it looks like a metronome..!!!

There is always a golden rule while doing these things
"Check n connect"
i.e before connecting the source check for any shorts or disconnections with a multimeter.
When you ignore this is what happens..!!

Missing Time travellers

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