Sunday, February 21, 2010

Detect illegal transmission using MOBILE BUG

Hello guys...
The following was implemented as a hobby project by my sister n her friend.So i assure you IT REALLY WORKS ....
So read on...

MOBILE BUG is a basically a RF detector,which detects GHz frequencies used by mobile phones. So it can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls, confidential rooms, etc.It detects all incoming,outgoing,SMS,video transmission ONLY IF MOBILE IS ON!!!. Frequency range used by mobile phones are 0.9 to 3 GHz,so our circuit detects the waves in this range.

  • 5 inch long antenna
  • IC1:Opamp IC CA3130
  • IC2:NE555 timer IC
  • T1:Transistor BC548
  • C3:Disk capacitor 0.22µF
  • C1,C2: 22 pF capacitor
  • C4:100µF 16V
  • C5:47PF
  • C6,C7:0.1µF
  • C8:0.01µF
  • C9:4.7µF 16V
  • R1,R3:2.2 mega ohm
  • R2:100K ohm
  • R4:1 K ohm
  • R5: 12 K ohm
  • R6: 15 K ohm
  • LED1
  • 12 V DC supply
  • PZ1: Piezzo Buzzer
  • Switch
You `ll find all these in any of Electronics,electrical shop...

Here is the circuit diagram:
(click on it to enlarge)

Firstly, antenna captures the RF signals from mobile.Then 0.22
disk capacitor (C3) to capture the RF signals from the mobile phone. The lead length of the capacitor is fixed as 18 mm with a spacing of 8 mm between the leads to get the desired frequency. The disk capacitor along with the leads acts as a small gigahertz loop antenna to collect the RF signals from the mobile phone.

IC1 is used (in negative feedback condition)as current to voltage converter,with capacitor(c3) connected between this inverting and non-inverting terminals.And there is a output CMOS Transistor which swings output between 10mV.Then C3 intercepts the mobile signal and creates,stores energy ,and transfers the same to IC1 in form of small currents,thus upsetting its balance.IC1 converts these changes into voltages.

On the other hand C4 along with R1 keeps non-inverting terminal stable.And if C4 has to discharge it does through R2.

If there is a detection of a mobile signal then the output of IC1 becomes high and low alternately according to the frequency of the signal as indicated by LED1. This triggers monostable timer IC2 through capacitor C7. Capacitor C6 maintains the base bias of transistor T1 for fast switching action. Low value of R6 and C9 helps to keep time delay thus avoiding any unwanted change in output audio through buzzer.

Then assemble all the stuffs as shown in circuit designs on a small PCB. Make it as compact as possible to make it portable.

when you are done with all these , YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THE LED FLASH WHEN THERE IS SOME KINDA TRANSMISSION !!!!!!!!(within 1.5 metres )

If you want data sheets of any components just visit

The total cost of the whole stuff is about RS.200.
So all i want to say is "ITS REALLY COOL TRY OUT!"

LAST SAY- I wanna thank my sis for sharing her project with me.And any problems mail me .And lastly any mistakes regretted. PLZ comment to encourage me

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Learn basics of HTML in jus 30min

WEB DESIGNING is a interesting thing to do when you are free or sitting idle before your pc.
The main reason for this is you can see What you do!!!.
All you require ,to start designing your first web page, is a text editor (note pad) & a web browser(newer prefered).


1.Firstly open the note pad
2.Then write all the tags that i`m gonna tell you next there.
3.Then save the document with .html or .htm(win 2000) extension. the same using your browser to see your FIRST WEB PAGE!!!!

Hmmm seems interesting right???

then read on.........

So lets start with the tags..

The trend in HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) is that a command (called tag here) starts first then the area on which the command works, then comes the end of command
<br />EX:<start> the command works here </end>

a more precise example--: <b>this gives bold letters</b>

so all you need is to arrange following tags in order (of course of ur choice) to dreate tour web page....

read on........


<html>--tells the notepad that document is of HTML type(has to be written at the beginning)
<head>-- heading area begins
<title>....</title>-- Gives the title that appears on title bar
<body>....</body>-- body of ur html comes between this.


<h1>....</h1>-- Header tag,as number increases size of text changes
<p>-- to make paragraphs (note no end tag like </p> required)
<hr />....</hr>--to Draw a line Between to text lines
<br />...</br>-- Give a tab space below n above a text line
<b>-- gives bold letters <i>--italics <tt>-- typewriter font
<span style="font-family:name of text font;">...</font-- this is used to channge font`s color etc(NOTE: its used only for a limited fonts)
here "#FF0000" is the hex code of colors to know more go to

If you want to `ve uniform font color,style etc you need to specify it in body tag as follows


<body><br />
that *------* includes: color="hex code"==> bacground color
2.text="hex code"==>text color""hex code"==>color of link(Link is a clickable text,image etc which drives the browser to another page or part)
vlink="hex code"==>color of already visited link
5.alink="hexcode"==> color of active link (ie on mouse roll over)

NOTE: Use all these seperated by a semicolon[;]

Last say:Please note that i`ve posted this assuming that reader has got some basic knowledge about using a computer like opening n saving a document etc.
And the main purpose of posting is to create interest in HTML designing, as i`ve tried hard not to make mistakes ,but they are bound to occur so excuse n mail me those k thank u


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